Horticus Living

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Living modular wall system which re-wilds your interiors

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Horticus present stylish living wall installations in modular form, enabling customers to decorate their home or workspaces with fresh, healthy living walls.

Their modular systems come in a variety of sizes with the smallest consisting of one steel frame and three terracotta planters while the largest is 24 planters and 12 frames.  Customers can add a touch of jungle to a bathroom, bring fresh herbs to a kitchen or a sense of calm to a living room or office.

The Horticus terracotta plant pots can be lifted in and out of the frame for easy repotting or rearranging. The planters can also be watered in situ through a grid of watering holes.

It doesn’t have to be all plants either, this living wall allows for a few creature comforts with pods for different functions. The Horticus team is currently working on adding a light, a speaker and a humidifier.

By focusing on our desire to nurture our carefully grown houseplants, Horticus rethought the living wall; made it more flexible, added lifestyle features while keeping the practice of cultivation.

Featured also on dezeen here: www.dezeen.com/planted



