Natural abundance, unnatural waste talks
At King’s Cross, London

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Day 1. Friday 23 September
Designing spaces for nature
Biophilic Design is fast becoming the must have multi-faceted approach for urban developers to soften and enhance appeal of developments whilst offering solutions to the climate crisis and biodiversity loss. But what is biophilic design, how can it help enhance urban spaces? And what are the human benefits of designing spaces with nature in mind?
Presented by Oliver Heath with guest panellists Dr Gemma Jerome (Building with Nature) and Dr Alia Fadel (Leeds Beckett University).
Sponsored by Enki Magazine
Anthropocene Abundance
The Anthropocene Epoch is an unofficial unit of geologic time, used to describe the most recent period in Earth’s history when human activity started to have a demonstrable impact on the planet’s climate and ecosystems. We are seeing that impact in real time now with tangible changes to weather systems and unprecedented levels of waste which threaten to choke ecosystems and trigger irreversible environmental disaster. How do we harness these toxic by-products and create circular productions systems which remove it from the environment in a bid to clean our planet?
Presented by Sam Peters with guest panellists – Ian Burn (Camira Fabric), Tommie Eaton (BambuuBrush) and Helen Gordon (Kite Creative)
Sponsored by Camira
Hope in Hell with Jonathon Porritt
Jonathon spoke to Planted’s co-founder Sam Peters about his new book “Hope in Hell”, the next generation of climate activists and the urgent changes we must make to our economic systems to avert irredeemable damage to our planet.
Sponsored by Enki Magazine
The Power of Nature
As we lurch into yet another carbon energy crisis, how do we catch up with many other countries by investing in truly sustainable energy systems. We have the technology, but why are we still bound to carbon intensive systems in the built environment when we know it is destroying our planet? What are the clean green options available to powering our buildings and cities to rid ourselves of our carbon addiction and create truly circular systems of energy consumption?
Presented by Oliver Heath with guest panellists - Agamemnon Otero MBE (Energy Garden), Michaela Cryar (Younity), Justin Etherington (Buro Happold)
Sponsored by Solcell
Day 2. Saturday 24 September
Wasting Away
Packaging, waste and carbon consumption is a huge problem across almost every industry, not least in the design world where even beautifully thought-through products can come wrapped in bubble-wrap or embedded with carbon. What is the scale of the waste problem and what role can design play in solving it? And what can be done to radically reduce carbon consumption to avert climate and societal breakdown? We will discuss best practice in design when it comes to minimising waste, carbon consumption and striving for truly circular systems with three leading experts in this field.
Presented by Sam Peters with guest panellists – Bella Collins (Flexi-Hex), Mary McLeod (KanKan) and Marie Carlisle (Goldfinger)
Sponsored by Flexi-Hex
Wasted Spaces
Vast swathes of our towns, cities and buildings could be handed back to nature but lack of thought, education and will on the part of authorities. What are the benefits of infusing our urban spaces with nature, where are the big wins when it comes to rewilding and regenerating them? What role can green roofs, green walls and nature corridors play and how can we convince all local authorities and gardeners to stop needlessly strimming, concreting over and destroying natural habitats?
Presented by Oliver Heath with guest panellists – Sian Moxon (Rewild My Street), Dusty Gedge, and David Mooney (London Wildlife Trust)
Sponsored by Five Rivers
Wastland and Sea
Our river systems are being poisoned by run off from agriculture and mismanagement of sewage and other waste. What we put into the soil eventually works its way into our rivers and seas and ultimately prevents access to nature by poisoning marine life and scaring people from getting in the water through threat of getting ill. How big is the problem and what is being done to prevent it?
Presented by Sam Peters with guest panellists – Johnny Palmer (Solcell), Zac Goodall (Riverford) and Mark Shaw (Parkside)
Sponsored by Riverford Organic Farmers
Day 3. Sunday 25 September
Trees and Seas
Non-for-profit organisation Plastic Oceans Europe talk about their trees and seas campaign which aims to unite ocean and forest conservation worldwide.
Presented by Olivia and Ruby Tomlinson (Plastic Ocean Europe) with guest panellists: Sam Peters (Planted), Lucy Houliston (Reserva Youth Land Trust), Alex Mytton (Private parts podcast) and Charlotte Trewick (Youth for Nature).
Hosted by Plastic Oceans Europe