Project: Farmer’s Footprint

Designers/brand: Farmer's Footprint

Farmer's Footprint is a global non-profit, on a mission to accelerate the transition to a regenerative food, farming and fibre system as a means to restore human and planetary health. 

They support farmers and producers to hatch their brands, share their stories and build an effective and beautiful market presence. Imagine a place where farmers and small-scale producers are elevated and revered for their role in regenerating our soils and ecosystems. Amplifying their work will also help designers to source regenerative fibres and textiles to utilise in the spaces and products they create. 

British Pasture Leather, Fernhill Farm, Contemporary Hempery and Fantasy Fibre Mill are just a handful of producers leading the regenerative revolution of the British Fibre and Textile industry. 


Fernhill Fibre


Gardners Baskets