Product name: Grown Furniture
Full Grown

Full Grown shape and graft living trees into useful shapes, starting with chairs. Using the trees as Zen 3D printers, whereby the tree is both the printer and material, much of the wasteful production associated with conventional manufacture is bypassed. Whilst growing the Chair Orchard also provides wildlife habitats – not many factories have birds and bees living in the production lines.

This project has been growing physically from 2006, but the seed of it was planted in Gavin Munro’s mind when, as a child, he noticed the silhouette of some overgrown bonsai trees looked like a throne. Since then design college, eco-building, making driftwood furniture highlighted the current wasteful systems and led to Full Grown taking root in the Derbyshire hills. Almost two decades later Grown Furniture has been exhibited worldwide, winning awards for reimagining the future with this subtle intervention to create the objects we need in collaboration with nature.


Blast Studio - Blue Tree


Green&Blue - Bee Bricks