Product name: Seedleaves - Indoor Vertical Tower
Designer/brand: Seedleaves

These aeroponic vertical towers can support biodiversity in urban settings where land available for growing food and floral crops is scarce. They also reduce food miles and nutrient loss by reducing time from harvest to consumption. A greater range of nutrients and plants eaten can contribute to a broader diversity of gut microbiota improving health and wellbeing through our internal biodiversity.

At the forefront of the vertical farming revolution in the UK, Seedleaves (based in Hampshire) recently obtained planning permission for a 6-acre site just south of London. This will be a beacon of agricultural innovation, exploring how vertical farming can transform the future of agriculture in urban environments. With a food hall, restaurant, and an integrated vertical greenhouse (holding 190 x 2.8m high towers), this development will showcase cutting-edge vertical farming technologies dedicated to creating sustainable, community-focused food systems. 


Henning Larsen - Biotope


SUGi - Forest of Thanks