Architectural practice: Mamou-Mani

Project name/title: Temple Galaxia

Client name: Burning Man

Location: Black Rock City, USA

Completion year: 2018

Drawing on the fractal pattern found at every scale in natural forms and structures, Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form different paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia.
The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.

Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity. Temple Galaxia was built for Burning Man and raised to the ground for the closing of the festival.


Mamou-Mani - Xylotec - Orange HQ


Mario Cucinella Tecla House