Bio Spaces - Regenerative, Resilient Futures

Click images below to explore our exhibition - open until September 30th at Roca London Gallery

Biophilic design

The term “biophilia” refers to humanity’s innate affinity for nature, and biophilic design aims to enhance wellbeing by fostering this connection.

Biophilic design is rooted in human evolutionary preferences and is underpinned by a broad evidence base which forms the foundation of the practice.

Biomorphic design

Through evolution, natural structures, patterns and shapes have undergone billions of years of refinement, resulting in solutions that are not only functional but also aesthetically beautiful.

Mimicking these, biomorphic design enables the creation of architectural and interior spaces that evoke natural landscapes.

Bio-based materials

Bio-based materials are defined as those which are derived from natural origins – in full, or in part – and are renewable.

A return to more locally-sourced, bio-based materials would help us create more stable, traceable, and ethical supply chains.

Biomimetic design

Biomimcry involves emulating biological processes, systems, and structures found in the natural world, to design buildings, products, technologies, and systems that are efficient, functional, and environmentally friendly.

Biomimicry draws inspiration from nature’s efficiency, resilience, and adaptability, fostering environmentally appropriate solutions, while promoting the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.

Designing for biodiversity

Designing for biodiversity means not just designing for human needs, but also for other species of flora and fauna.

Through designing for biodiversity, we can advance ecosystem restoration for the future of both our species and those we share this beautiful planet with.

Bio-regenerative design

A relatively new and emerging practice, regenerative design takes inspiration from regenerative agriculture to create bio-regionally relevant materials and designs.

In seeking a better chance for the wellbeing of life on this planet, regenerative design sets out to address and counteract the damage caused by human activity.