Green Salon is the UK’s first sustainable lifestyle consultancy offering sustainable lifestyle coaching, styling, workshops, talks, articles and a curated collection of gorgeous and truly sustainable brands in the Green Salon Directory.

Founder and CEO, Lucy Johnson, is one of Britain’s first sustainability coaches supporting people’s journey towards a healthier greener life.

Lucy focuses on personal wellbeing as the evidence shows that enhancing our wellbeing through conscious choices in our home and lives also nurtures the planet.

A former television journalist, Lucy spent 16 years covering politics, foreign affairs and the environment for ITN and the BBC. She is also a qualified psychotherapist with her own private practice specialising in eco-anxiety.

Lucy has studied Sustainable Business Strategy at Harvard Business School and has spent the last two decades reading widely and deeply about sustainability, eco-brands and human psychology. She also lives a lower-waste and lower-carbon life herself and has a wealth of personal experience to share with others.



