Regenerative, Resilient Futures

Exhibition runs from 19 Apr - 30 Sept 2024

An experiential, multi-sensory exhibition, aimed at encouraging a more nature-based approach to design, runs at Roca London Gallery until September 30th. Bio Spaces is a partner event of The London Design Festival.

Curated by Planted in collaboration with Oliver Heath Design, Bio Spaces exhibition investigates built environments informed and inspired by nature, exploring the concepts of biophilic design, biodiversity and biomimicry as well as biomorphic design, bio-based materials and bioregenerative design to reconnect people and spaces with nature.

Visit Roca London Gallery, Station Court, Townmead Road, London Sw6 2PY

Temple Galaxia a magnificent timber structure built by Mamou-Mani for the Burning Man Festival, image credits Arthur Mamou-Mani / Jamen Percy

“As a species we are waking up to the simple fact that we are part of nature.

Human beings thrive in spaces that are in harmony with the natural elements and systems of our planet. As a result, we are starting to reimagine how our spaces can be designed with nature in mind, working with rather than against it, to create healthier more equitable environments to live in, now and into the future.”

— Oliver Heath Design