Lead architect: ZEDfactory

Project title: BedZED (Beddington Zero Carbon Energy Development)

Client: Developed by Peabody Trust in partnership with Bioregional and ZEDfactory architects

Location: London Borough of Sutton

Completion year: 2002

BedZED was the UK’s first large-scale, mixed-use sustainable community and is still an inspiration for low-carbon, environmentally friendly housing developments around the world. 

The multi award-winning development comprises 100 homes, half of which are designated as affordable housing, workspace, and community facilities. Most homes have their own gardens, and there is a large community playing field, a village square, and allotments for residents.

In line with its vision to enable sustainable ways of living, BedZED offers an on-site car club, secure cycle parking, and excellent transport links. Car parking is limited to 0.6 spaces per home so children can play safely in its pedestrianised streets.

Heating, power, and electricity bills for its residents are much lower than for ordinary housing, due to its high levels of insulation, airtightness, and passive solar heating design. Electricity savings are generated by solar photovoltaic arrays integrated into the buildings.




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