Architectural practice: Orga architect

Project name/title: De Verwondering

Client name: Prisma Education Foundation; Location: Netherlands

Completion year: 2021

Where children are increasingly viewing the world through screens and education is set against the backdrop of urban environments, their relationship with nature has never been more important. A school for (re)connecting with nature, De Verwondering (sense of wonder) by Orga architects looks to introduce natural features into the classroom. 

The biomimetic roof structure of the central area resembles a large leaf, with the wooden beams forming the veins. The structure is supported by large, peeled tree trunks, revealing the wooden structure with an organic floorplan mimicking natural habitats. Interior finishes include wood, cork, clay, and straw, De Verwondering carefully incorporates nature touch points throughout the space.

The access to, and representations of, nature have a two-fold effect on students. Creating healthy spaces to support them physically, while promoting curiosity through exposure to changing seasons and connection to the cycles of life and biodiversity. 


MOODLight Chair


Recork - UNA